Currently Loading Vol. 2
February 2021
Note to self with/Jennifer Pauline
Image: me in my home office on January 4, a few days after my desk arrived. A reminder that big things start off as little things.
2021 opened with a spirit of hopefulness and expectation. Though mired with a bit of angst, the thought of a new chapter and a new year was salve for the pain, anxiety and loss the last ten months brought.
A global pandemic, emotional breakdown, death of a parent, career shift and loss of friendship (shall I continue?) plagued my life during this period of time. There were times when the weight of these experiences completely took my breath away. But looking back and taking a moment to reflect on it all, I’ve been given the gift of 2020 hindsight (pun intended).
Reflection is such a powerful and important practice. It allows you to see the totality of a thing, not just one side. For me, this meant that in the midst of a year full of transition, I gained more clarity around my purposes, leaped into my dream work, made new friends and learned how powerful forgiveness of others and self is.
It reminded me of an entry I wrote about the dichotomy of life in our January 2020 newsletter:
“You want joy? Here’s some pain first.
You want peace? Enjoy this chaos.
You want love? But first, rejection.
You want to grow? Goodbye comfort zone.
Biggest lesson learned? When you can stand firm amidst the extremes that life brings, you will never lose your peace.
We hope you pause and reflect on your past month, taking a deeper dive into your own experience. To help start this process, we’ve provided some questions below.
What patterns am I embracing or letting go of?
What relationships are draining me? pouring into me?
How did I show up for myself this month?
What seeds am I planting today that I can eat from in the next month/year/decade?
How was I in service of others this past month and how can I be more of service in the future?
Never forget: if you don’t reflect. you will repeat.”
I hope this encourages you to take some time and reflect, especially over the past 11 months. Savor each season. Discover the pockets of joy and most importantly learn more about yourself so you can show up better, more whole and more you all 2021 and beyond.
With love and gratitude,
Jennifer Pauline
Morning routine with/Danuelle doswell
The Washington D.C based owner of Grounded Plants, a brand centered around disconnecting and decompressing with plants, shares the routine that keeps her grounded throughout the day.
Routine has been a word that I haven’t ever been too comfortable with but as I mature and transition into my late twenties I understand its importance and effectiveness. I’ve found what works for me and have a framework that I can change and manipulate as I please. Having a foundation in all that you pursue is important and I know that if my foundation in my morning routine is solid, then I’ll always stay grounded.
1. I wake up and thank God. I’m always so grateful no matter the circumstance. Full transparency, I sometimes delay waking up depending on how long the previous day is but no matter what I thank God every day.
2. I would say at least 80% of the time I avoid checking my social feeds. I’ll glance at my notifications (texts) and emails, then put my phone down to read or stretch. I’ve been apart of a book club for about a year where we read different fiction novels, but in the morning I love to read non-fiction, self-help/spiritual, leadership, inspo type genres. Sometimes I also read articles in Apple News where my newsfeed is personalized based on about 50+ different topics I’ve selected myself (Futurism, World Events, Finances, Marketing, Plants, Fashion, Food, etc.) Mental stimulation is always important for me. I am a student of life.
3. On the days I don’t read, I’ll complete a Yoga routine for 20 minutes. I love Arianna Elizabeth’s content on YouTube. I don’t always do Yoga, but I’ll do some squats and some light ab work to keep it tight (and save myself from my quarantine binges lol). I definitely miss going to the gym!
4. I hop out of bed, check on my plants, turn on music, burn some palo santo or incense, and shower. I love coming out of the shower into a nice scent. Skincare is most important for me during the week. I’ve never really worn too much makeup to work unless I had plans afterward. I would usually only beat my face on the weekend when going out with my friends BC (before covid). The beat is always better when your skincare routine is on point and I take pride in executing my full skincare routine every morning no matter what. Make sure y’all wear y’all SPF!
5. I get dressed. I have such a founder, Steve Jobs swag to me. Hoodies, jeans/ pants/sweats, new balances, or some type of sneaker. It’s really the same thing every single day in a different color, texture, pattern - especially since we work with plants, there’s a lot of dirt and moving and packing. Some days, I’ll dress business casual if we’re not getting too dirty.
6. Breakfast is light for me. I’ve never really eaten big breakfasts before work so I normally have tea, smoothies, and/or fruit. However, my boyfriend got me a juicer for Christmas so I’ve been juicing every day for about 3 weeks now. It’s absolutely changed my life and I feel so energized. My business partner (and other co-founder of Grounded) Mignon has experience in the industry from previously co-founding a pressed juice company so she’s taught me a few recipes, tips, and tricks. I usually call her around this time to recap our day ahead (and let her know my arrival) because I currently live about 40 minutes away from DC in the suburbs. We always aim to get into the office at 10 am.
7. I drive into work, listen to podcasts/playlists and arrive to our office and start my day!
reflection with/taylor hunter
The old paradigm of our world taught so many of us to look for all of the answers externally when in reality our inner knowledge holds more power than we may truly recognize. Looking inward, trusting ourselves, and taking the space to curiously reflect can enlighten the ways in which we navigate throughout our lives.
Over the past year, I have embraced the importance of attentively reflecting with myself on a consistent basis. These moments serve as a way to simply notice my innermost thoughts, beliefs, doubts, and aspirations – nonjudgmentally. Holding a mirror to the inner soul gives way to better understanding and nurturing the complexities that live right beneath the surface of human experiences. I believe that these reflections that flow into the consciousness are the soul’s way of aligning us with the personal instructions that are needed to continue unfolding along our journeys. We cannot find this in any person or anything outside of ourselves.
I often find myself jotting down the little thoughts and reflections that randomly cross my mind throughout my day to day life. Sometimes it’s a few sentences and sometimes it’s pages and pages that I did not even realize needed to be written. I have learned to allow these magical words to flow in the way that just feels best.
So I ask you - what are your reflections telling you lately? Where are your thoughts leading you? Have you stopped to listen and write them down? The next time a word comes to you simply take a moment and write it down. No thought is too simple or too complex. Listen to your sou and allow it to map out your directions.
Here is a shortlist of my latest reflections:
1. Sometimes there is nothing else left to figure out. You just have to let things be.
2. Look around – you are already doing all of the things that you said you wanted to do.
3. When feeling overwhelmed find ways to simplify your life.
4. Taking a moment to stop and ground yourself is never a waste of time.
5. In the grand scheme of things – life is always working in your favor.
6. Do not cling to what you need to let go of.
7. Embrace your inner strangeness and let it shine.
8. You’re never too old to tap into your imagination.
9. There is some lesson to learn in each and every experience.
10. Keep your eyes open every day so that you can see the magic happening in every moment.
What would your reflections say?
Nourishment for your daily, weekly and monthly journey. Here’s what we’re eating, reading, watching and listening to.
EATING (cutting back on sugar)
Kale, ginger, lime, mint plus water in a blender and then strain for a vibrant, unsweetened green juice.
Cherry vanilla smoothie, frozen cherries, vanilla protein, collagen, tahini, non-dairy mylk.
Keto ma-jiang noodles by Heavenly Fan
The Brand Called You Fast Company
11 Ways to Develop a Beginners Mind Inc
Vibrate Higher Daily by Lalah Delia
Lady and the Dale, a bizarre true story of a 1970’s auto scam HBO
Malcolm and Marie, a captivating love story with brilliant acting that leaves you wondering, what if? Netflix
Drug Lords, been captivated by the 80’s lately and the story about Pablo Escobar is insane Netflix
Wendy Williams: The Movie, one word: wow Lifetime or Hulu premium
How to Master your Emotions with Sam Robinson Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman (wherever you listen to podcasts)
Brandi Harvey: Your Roots Determine Your Results Redefining Wealth with Patrice Washington (wherever you listen to podcasts)
Power: The Maxwells Somethin’ Else (wherever you listen to podcasts)
Reflections, a playlist curated for With/Creators by our Community + PR Manager Saybin